Thursday, March 4, 2010

No Regrets

So occasionally I find myself going back and thinking about what has happened in my life in the last few years. Generally the one that that sticks out to me the most is the fact that I went away to college but then came home after only one semester. I'm not gonna lie, I felt like a huge loser and I really tried to avoid telling people what was going on because I was ashamed. I just knew that everyone would think that my reason for coming home would be because of Shawn which I would always swear that it wasn't. It was because I didn't want to be a Vet anymore, I didn't want me parents to spend so much money, or Starkville was boring. While all those things where true to some extent none of them were the main reason, but I talked myself into believing otherwise.
I didn't really realize it until the other day, but since coming back to Memphis some really great things have happened in my life.
First of all I have a great job that pays me more then I deserve and doesn't require to much of me so I am still able to do well in school. I honestly love working there, and I adore the people that I work with, they make me actually want to show up for work!
Then there is school....Sure the U of M may be just a step above a piece of crap but I love it, my classes, and the really great people I have met there in the last two semesters!
Coming back to Memphis has allowed me to meet and reconnect with some absolutely amazing who do I want to talk about first. Let's start with the major 3!
She may hate this but.....
MARY LYN ALBRITTON: My absolutely amazing, wonderful, beautiful, kinda weird best friend! History together - she didnt like me...we were in choir together...did a play together...thought the other one was kinda cool...did a musical together...fell hopelessly in love! Then the sad romance story comes to an end because I graduated and went off to MSU. I'm not proud of it but I'll admit it. That semester I was at MSU I forgot all about her. I think I might have told her happy birthday but other then that...nothing! I didnt even come see her in her last play at ECS. I'm not really sure how it happened that we started being friends again, but I'm so thankful for it. I honestly believe had a stayed at MSU we wouldnt be the friends that we are right now...she is going with me to hold my hand while I get my tattoo, and she is the only person I would have felt comfortable buying Jeggings in front of! I love your face!
Ml's family: A great bonus that comes with being friends with Mary lyn is that you automatically get adopted into their family. Mr. Will, Aves, and Kathleen have all been a great blessing in my life as well.
HANA FAULKNER: One more friend I know I would have lost touch with had I stayed away at college! I'm not even sure what to say to you except for the fact that I have absolutely loved watching you over the past year. You joined a great church, made some phenomenal new friends, and have gotten into a relationship with an absolutely amazing guy! I am so happy for you! especially over that last part. You are one of my oldest friends and I intend on keeping it that way!
JENNIFER THORNTON: Haha I know for a fact we would still be best friends even if I was still in Mississippi! We could not see each other for a year and still be exactly the same. My reason I am so thankful that I am back in Memphis with you, is the fact that I am here to be apart of a huge moment in your life. I'm so glad that everything is going your way right now! You are going to be starting all of your EMT stuff soon and then you are getting married to this great guy, and I cannot wait for Oct 16th! Its going to be so amazing! I love you Jen!

Then there are also some people that I have met in just the past year who have already made a rather large impression on my life...and had I not moved back to memphis I wouldnt know them like I do. Like Anna Craig! Amazing girl that I cannot wait to get to know better, so happy that she started working with me! Just wish we would actually work together sometime. And I am so thankful for all the people at work...especially Jordan and Staci!

I also learned from moving back to Memphis, that my little sister is pretty freaking much so that I even invited her to go on a roadtrip

Last but not least! Probably the biggest benefit of moving back is Shawn.....I came to the realization that he is 100% the entire reason that I moved back home, and I'm entirely ok with that because I like what I have with him and I want to be close to him! Even after dating for 4 years I have surprisingly gotten to know him even more. He is just the greatest guy ever and the idea of moving away from him baffles me, and I dont know what I was thinking in the first place! Not only have I gotten closer to him, but also to his friends, and fraternity brothers!

So basically to sum it all up...the best thing that has ever happened to me is when I made the decision to drop out of MSU! I couldn't be happier with my life or my friends right now!
No Regrets!


JPShar said...

I love this post, although I couldn't find my name in it anywhere!

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